That is what Verizon Wireless would like to see happen with the raising of a 100ft monopole cell tower in Paia right next to a church, school, and residential homes. What will happen to our property values? A well respected real estate broker, who has sold property on the north shore for over 20 years, shared, “The properties close to the cell phone tower in Haiku are harder to sell and people receive substantially less money for them.” What is the reason for this cell tower you ask? According to Verizon’s representatives, we need to have better cellular reception in the airport, in restaurants, in houses. Tourists are not getting the reception they are wanting and Verizon wants to make them happy. Will we, as residents, accept this? According to Paul Fitzgerald, an Electro-Magnetic Frequency Radiation Specialist and concerned Maui Resident, the health concerns of these towers are very real. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and FCC regulations deprive local municipalities of the power to regulate cellular tower sites on the basis of public health concerns. The TDMA frequency that these towers emit of 8.34 hertz corresponds to frequencies found in the human brain. The Dutch government sponsored experiments showing that people exposed to cell tower signals “experienced dizziness, nervousness, chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling, weakness, and difficulty concentrating.
Mr. Fitzgerald says, “I can show you over 500 pages of documented studies demonstrating negative health effects from cell towers and phones.” For example, four epidemiological studies of microwave and TV towers used as cell-tower proxies were conducted in Sydney, Honolulu and twice in the UK. All showed significantly higher leukemia rates in people living around transmission towers. The Sydney study found childhood leukemia at more than twice the expected rate. Dr. Hocking found children living near three broadcast towers have more than twice the rate of leukemia than children living more than seven miles away..
In New Zealand, cell phone towers are prohibited on school property because of possible health effects: learning disabilities, cancer, leukemia, DNA damage, etc. It is time to stand up as a community and figure out what is most important to us, cell phone reception inside restaurants, buildings, airports, etc. or protecting the health of our families and maintaining the values of our properties. Do we want these towers all over Maui? As a community, let’s discuss the many alternatives available. We are currently forming a coalition of concerned citizens. You can get in touch with Paul at 808.281.1016 or go to www.nocelltowers.com and subscribe for further information and to keep updated.
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