Omega-News: Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness!!!
UNWELLNESS! is an understatement. Cell phone base stations change brain waves? Huh, what, did you say? We want our wireless phones, computers and other handy gadgets but at what cost will this be in the future? Let's read some of the results of this study of brainwaves in Austria. Brainwaves, measured by EEG, changed significantly. Afterwards the subjects were asked to describe their experiences. All of them felt unwell during the second phase. They reported symptoms like buzzing in the head, palpitations of the heart, unwellness, lightheadedness, anxiety, breathlessness, respiratory problems, nervousness, agitation, headache, tinnitus, heat sensation and depression. According to the scientists, this is the first worldwide proof of significant changes of the electrical currents in the brain by a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres. It has been scientifically established before that the radiation of cell phone base stations leads to unwellness and health complaints. Get one of those cell towers in my back yard! I THINK NOT!
Omega-News: Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness
Sprint Closes 1.2 Billion Cell-Phone Tower Deal
Isn't it pretty??!! Get me one of these in my backyard. Sprint closes deal for 6600 Cell Phone Towers leased out for 32 years at 1.2 billion dollars. I am in the wrong business folks. I thought renting out residential and commercial properties was the way but obviously I took a wrong turn somewhere. Cell phone towers is where the money is at least that is how it looks here in the deal between Sprint and Global Signal. Where the heck are they putting all these towers? Do you know the effects they are having on you and your family? The next two articles that are posted will go directly into those effects. Stay tuned!
Sweet Victory In Sydney, Australia. Cell tower visual impact was under-estimated and rejected!
href=""> A proposal by Telstra to build a mobile phone tower on the western side of Lake Macquarie has been rejected by council, after residents revealed its visual impact had been significantly under-estimated. Councillors last night rejected the 30 metre high tower at Teralba after a long campaign by residents, who conducted their own experiments to determine its impact on local homes. Lake Macquarie Mayor Greg Piper says council surveyors have confirmed that Telstra's original application to council had misrepresented the impact of the tower by about a third. "It's certainly a significant departure and I don't believe it's reasonable for a company the size of Telstra to be so far from the mark in representing visual impact," he said. "That worked greatly against them and the issue of visual amenity is not to be put lightly aside."
Source: ABC (Supplied by Tower Sanity Alliance in Sydney)
Cell Tower opposed In Lake George and The Community Wins!
There is hope my friends. We need to realize the power is in the numbers. If the people of this planet unite for the benefit of humankind we will make the world a better place. Here is a example where the community worked with the councilmen in their jurisdiction and succeeded to implement the rejection of a cell tower. This is possible with anything we want as long as we band together and stay strong in our beliefs. Way to go Lake George!
State agency staff opposes Lake George cell phone tower proposal - 2005-05-23
185 foot cell tower approved in the big apple...
Actually, it is in Erie County in New York State. Lengthy disputes and debates over a 185 foot cell phone tower being sprung up in Erie County have come to a close. It's all about money folks. The health costs of these towers is going to be devastating in the near future. The pharmaceutical industry will love them. These towers put out frequencies that are similiar to our alpha and delta brain wave frequencies, causing the blood brain barrier to open and let down its defenses. When this happens, dangerous proteins and toxins enter your brain that normally wouldn't. A cell phone puts out 1 to 6 watts of power that when harnessed can cook a hot dog in about 15 minutes. These towers can put out 75 to 100 watts of power per channel and can have up to 100 channels. That's up to 100,000 watts of microwave radiation that could be emitted in your town. These towers transmit up to a 20 square mile radius. I can tell you a 185 foot tower is going to be a powerhouse. Is the little bit of passive residual income someone is being paid in Erie County for this tower really worth the health costs that will be found in the near future? For what, better cell phone reception? Buffalo News - Construction of 185-foot cellular tower is approved
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