Cell Phone SAR is Not an Indication of Safety
Although the National Research Council's report states that Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) for children are likely to be higher than for adults, let's not get confused.
Because the danger from most land-based portable phones, cell phones and WiFi routers is NOT from the magnetic radiation or the microwave carrier wave for which typical SAR ratings are given on phones. Unless you have massive exposures like you might expect in a microwave oven, these thermal effects are insignificant.
So simply lowering the allowable SAR will NOT make cell phones safer.
Instead, nearly all the biological damage comes from the modulated signals that are carried ON the carrier microwave. These modulated information carrying radio waves resonate in biological frequencies of a few to a few hundred cycles per second, and can stimulate your cellular receptors causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences that can culminate in fatigue, anxiety, neurological decline, and ultimately cancers.
The density of your child's skull is also far less than yours, and therefore their brain is far more susceptible to these information-carrying radio waves.
This Deserves Your SERIOUS Attention
The studies showing the long-term risks of cell phone use are just beginning to come in because cell phone use didn't become widespread until the late 1990s. It typically takes at least 10 to 20 years for cancers to show up, so now is the time when these risks will become apparent.
It is almost as if NO ONE was smoking and then all of a sudden nearly 90 percent of the planet started. Of course, we would not see any spectacular increase in major damage for more than 10 years. It takes time for this damage to accumulate and be noticed.
Unfortunately, most people fail to correlate common symptoms and health problems to their exposure to cell phones and other radio frequencies, perhaps because these conditions can so easily be attributed to other causes (including so-called "unknown" causes) as well.
Take a look at these common illnesses and ailments, which have all been scientifically linked to cell phone information carrying radio waves:
• Alzheimer's, senility and dementia Parkinson's Autism Fatigue Headaches Sleep disruptions
• Altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness
Although cancer and brain tumors are most often cited as the potential health risks from cell phone radiation, as you can see, cancer is not the only, or most common danger that you and your children face.
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Cell Phone Tower Power or Cellphone Deception. Every day, we're swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings, and a slew of other technologies that are part of modern life. From the dishwasher and microwave oven in the kitchen and the clock radio next to your bed, to the cellular phone you hold to your ear—sometimes for hours each day—exposure to EMR is growing and becoming a serious health threat.
But there's a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat: EMR from cellular phones—both the radiation from the handsets and from the tower-based antennas carrying the signals—which studies have linked to development of brain tumors, genetic damage, and other exposure-related conditions.1-9 Yet the government and a well-funded cell phone industry media machine continue to mislead the unwary public about the dangers of a product used by billions of people. Most recently, a Danish epidemiological study announced to great fanfare the inaccurate conclusion that cell phone use is completely safe.10
George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist and medical scientist who, from 1993 to 1999, headed the first telecommunications industry-backed studies into the dangers of cell phone use. That program remains the largest in the history of the issue. But he ran afoul of the very industry that hired him when his work revealed preventable health hazards associated with cell phone use.
In this article, we look at why cell phones are dangerous; Dr. Carlo's years-long battle to bring the truth about cell phone dangers to the public; the industry's campaign to discredit him and other scientists in the field; and what you can do to protect yourself now emf radiation emf dangers cellphone radiation dangers computer electro hypersensitivy EMF protection EMF Protection Shield Dangers of the wireless cell phone, wi-fi and emf age
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