Facts suggest that cell phones are a pre-cursor to cancer. “There are over 500 pages of international, documented studies that prove the dangers of cell phones and no independent studies to prove their safety.” I have been researching cell phone dangers for close to 10 years. I became extremely alarmed when a friend of 7 years had the side of his face swell up like a melon only to find out later that it was a tumor on the side of his head. The same side he had used his cell phone on for over 15 years.” Being a detective and researcher I started to look at the history of cell phones and research studies to prove their safety. What did I find?
In 1993, CNN’s Larry King Live exposed the cell phone industry and alarmed the world by hosting guest Dave Reynard. He had recently lost his wife, Susan, to a fatal brain tumor on the side of her head the same shape and size of a cell phone antenna. The cell phone industry acted instantaneously to put out the fire, pouring 25 million dollars and 6 years of research conducted by their own scientist, Dr. George Carlo to prove that cell phones are safe for everyday use. Dr. Carlo found genetic destruction in rats that was irreparable after 2 hours. Acoustic neuromas (Tumors of the auditory nerve) were found to be 50% higher in people who used cell phone for 6 years or more. A fellow scientist, Dr Singh, found in 1997 double strand breakages in live rat brains after 2 hours of low level exposure to both pulsed (digital) and older analog phones. Double strand breaks create serious genetic alteration of the DNA strands and can lead to cancer, cell death and mutagenic defects.
Solutions to these problems are needed now, “as a society we are not going to give up our cell, cordless phones, computers, gameboys, etc…” In researching product after product without success, by chance he discovered a technology with over 20 years of research that neutralizes the radiation that comes from our electronic devices, making them harmless to our bodies. People are saying, “I used to get headaches when using the cell phone,” now I feel relief,” “My hand used to get numb when holding the phone.” This technology will enable the current generation to use their electronic gadgets safely, with peace of mind. I leaves you with, “If you are going to leave your health in the hands of another tobacco industry scandal, I wish you luck. If you want to protect yourself and your family, call me at my home office (808) 281-1016 before it is too late.”
How the Technology Works (10 min. audio)
Thermography Study (shows how brain heats up on cell phone)