
Are there more reasons than we know about why cell towers are being placed around the world?

Cell Phone Towers are appearing across the globe in droves and droves. Are these towers safe? Have they been tested for safety? Why can you hold a flourescent light tube up to them without them being connected to anything and have the tube light up? Leukemia, cancer, neurological diseases these are all concerns of the past 25 years over power lines. Court cases have been fought over the topic of telephone power lines strung throughout the atmosphere. Neighborhoods have banded togethor to prevent the placing of these power lines and towers. What does the future hold for us when the world becomes wirless and these new, non-tested towers appear across the globe? Are we going to need to protect ourselves? Are we going to be able to? This article below shows pictures of various cell phone towers and ways they are being used as weapons and how to protect yourself from them. Cell Phone Towers

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