The National Park Service wants to know how the public feels about cell towers within the recreation area. Yeah right. Tell me another one. As I have pointed out many times in my blog anyone can be bought and unfortunately the National Park Service is proving this point. in Germany and Switzerland thousands and thousands of acres of deforestation occurred during the cold war. Researchers said it was due to acid rain, only one problem, no acid rain in those areas. HMMM. One researcher showed that radar weapons and frequencies from telecommunication systems similar to the current cell tower frequencies caused this problem. He said, the tree's cell membranes would absorb the detrimental fields into their cells and slowly die no matter how how much nutrient rich food they had. I hope his theory is wrong folks. Also, people need to leave their cell phones at home sometimes. We do not need reception on every nook and craney of the earth. This is absurd and ridiculous. They, the scientists and researchers are also proving that these cell towers are extremely dangerous, if not deadly, to birds, widlife, etc... Way to go cell companies you are succeeding in deepening your pockets and at the same time speedng up the destruction of our natural ecosystems.
Cell Phone Rings Coming to Every Corner of National Parks; Officials Invite Telecom Companies to Fill In �Dead Zones� Throughout Park System
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